Il trattamento delle soluzioni di continuo del “guscio“ nei cheloni
Pelizzone I.
Ambulatorio Veterinario Belvedere (Reggio Emilia)
Di Ianni F.
Università degli Studi di Parma, Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria, Dipartimento di salute animale, Sez. Clinica ostetrica e riproduzione animale
It is common to face severe carapax lesions in turtles. The first goal must always be to stabilize the animal. To achieve this the core procedure includes a correct choice of fluids to administer, a careful analgesia and a prevention of secondary infections through systemic antibiotic therapy. Afterward the most suitable fixing technique is to be chosen. There are methods consisting in application of epossidic resins over glass fiber layers, semi rigid bandages or also orthopedic surgery techniques. Each one has pros and cons as regards to the animal treated. In any case, it is important to remember that surgery must follow a correct stabilization of the animal and never be considered an emergency procedure.
tourtles, carapax lesions