Associazione Italiana Veterinari Piccoli Animali
Affiliata WSAVA


Approccio sistemico ai disturbi comportamentali del cane: il “cane-problema”


Guidi G.
Consultorio di Zooantropologia - Dipartimento di Clinica Veterinaria - Università di Pisa

Daniele M.
Educatore/istruttore cinofilo per cani da utilità e Polizia Centro addestramento unità cinofile della Polizia Locale di Milano


The problematic dog represents one of the most frequent reason of the examination in behavioural medicine.
The clinical approach to such a patient, which always considers the behavioural problem as an uncomfortable condition for the dog, appears controversial. 

According to the Authors the problematic dog may be defined as a dog which is unable to reflect the owner’s expectations and which shows unwished behaviours as adaptation to the life condition. The systemic evaluation approach to the problematic dog has to take into consideration the relationship system, the emotional homeostasis and the effects of a general treatment.


Medicina comportamentale