Anemia emolitica da intossicazione da cipolle in un cane
Callegari D., Bianchi E.
Dipartimento di Salute Animale – Sezione di Clinica Medica Veterinaria – Facoltà di medicina veterinaria - Università degli Studi di Parma
A 2-year-old, intact male toy poodle was presented with depression, exercise intolerance, anorexia, vomiting, red-brown discoloration of urine. The dog had ingested in the preceding days a homemade preparation containing onion (Allium cepa). Hematological examinations revealed very severe Heinz body hemolytic anemia with eccentrocytosis and an increased concentration of methemoglobin. These findings were thought to result from oxidative damage to erythrocytes by toxic components of this plant. Supportive care treatment was started with packed RBC transfusion, fluidotherapy, selenium and vitamin E supplementation, antiemetic and gastroprotective therapy. Clinical signs resolved after 3 days, and haematological findings were back to normal within 4 weeks.
onion, Allium cepa, Heinz body, eccentrocyte, hemolytic anemia, methemoglobin