Malattie del peridonzio - Una battaglia costante tra batteri distruttivi, difese immunitarie e igiene orale
Stato dell’arte: patogenesi e trattamento della patologia periodontale nel cane
Fahrenkrug P.
Libero professionista e Professore Università di Medicina Veterinaria Hannover
Periodontal disease is an infectious disease due to the colonisation of anaerobic pathogens in dental plaque. Periodontal disease is widespread but is preventable. Home dental hygiene procedures combined with a suitable diet, in combination with occasional professional periodontal therapy under general anaesthetic, if necessary associated with antimicrobial therapy will prevent the loss of otherwise healthy teeth due to periodontal pathology. Dogs with severe periodontal disease not only suffer from the loss of function and pain associated with the infection and inflammation induced, but are also at risk of generalised complications.
Antimicrobials should never be considered as a monotherapy for the treatment of oral infections, and should not be used as preventative management of oral conditions. The single most important factor in preventing the recurrence of periodontal disease is regular dental home-care, just as in humans.
Most animals will allow their teeth to be cleaned with a small animal toothbrush and a special animal toothpaste, human toothpastes are not suitable for animals and even can cause harm to the periodontium.
The prevention of periodontal disease is a life-long struggle which includes dental home-care, appropriate nutrition and – if unavoidable – veterinary treatment.