Il cane non vedente: approccio clinico, diagnostico e terapeutico
Parte seconda
Blind dog: clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic approach (second part)
Chiara Simonini, DVM
libero professionista, Reggio Emilia;
Barbara Simonazzi, DVM
Dottore di ricerca in Oftalmologia, Ricercatore Dipartimento di Scienze Medico Veterinarie, Università degli studi di Parma
In this second part we will handle the pathologies of anterior segment of the globe that lead to blindness. We will mainly focus on uvea, a median structure of the ocular globe anatomically divisible in three section: iris, ciliar bodies and choroid; we will than talk about the crystalline, the lens which allows focus to backgrounds.
Eventually we will analyze glaucoma, a complex pathology which regards the anterior segment because, affecting the production and the drenage of the acqueous humor, it causes an enhacement of the intraocular pression, compromising the entire ocular globe.
uvea, uveitis, lens, cataract, dislocation of the lens, glaucoma