Associazione Italiana Veterinari Piccoli Animali
Affiliata WSAVA


Pancreatite cronica nel cane: la riscoperta di una malattia dimenticata
Gli ultimi aggiornamenti sulla sua eziologia, patofisiologia, diagnosi e management a lungo termine. La gestione nutrizionale a lungo termine dei cani con pancreatite cronica.

The long-term nutritional management of dogs with chronic pancreatitis


David Morgan, BSc, MA, VetMB, CertVR, MRCVS
Scientific Communications Manager, P&G Pet Care, Geneva, Switzerland


The pancreas (fig 1) plays a critical exocrine and endocrine role in the body. To understand the nutritional approach of the chronic pancreatitis (CP) patient it is important to firstly remind ourselves of its physiology. By understanding its physiology, especially that of its exocrine role, and what changes take place in chronic pancreatitis, we can then match our nutritional recommendation to the ensuing pathology.

