Problematiche comportamentali dei cani importati dai paesi dell'Est Europa
Behavioural problems of dogs imported from Eastern Europe
Ozella L.
DVM, Master in Clinica delle Malattie Comportamentali del Cane e del Gatto, PhDS in Scienze Biologiche e Biotecnologie Applicate, Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e Biologia dei Sistemi, Università degli Studi di Torino
Pessani D.
Professore Associato, Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e Biologia dei Sistemi, Università degli Studi di Torino
Import and marketing of dogs from Eastern Europe is an increased phenomenon over the last years. The subjects imported are prematurely detached from the mother and suffer numerous chronic stress, such as inadequate farming conditions and transport. Here, we present an overview of the behavioural problems that these dogs can manifest consequently to the alterations of the stages of behavioural development, the main behavioural pathologies observed in clinical practice and the consequences of the influence of stressful stimuli in the early stages of life. Welfare of these dogs is seriously compromised, and also their management by the owners after the adoption is extremely difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to implement controls and to enforce regulations in order to protect both the dogs as well as the future owners.
Welfare, behavioural development, behavioural pathologies, chronic stress