Terapia ragionata delle epatopatie del cane e del gatto
Marchetti Veronica
Ricercatore Universitario, DVM, PhD, SPCAA - Gastroenterologia
Ospedale Didattico Veterinario “Mario Modenato”, Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie, Università di Pisa
Several therapeutic approaches are indicated in treatment of hepatobiliary disease. The clinical, clinical-pathology and histological findings to consider when deciding on a treatment regime are discussed in this article. The goals of the therapy are the control of parenchymal and biliary injury, the control of inflammation and fibrosis and the control of extrahepatic alterations (i.e. coagulation disorders, portal hypertension, encephalopathy). The mechanisms of action and indications for the use of cytoprotective agents, anti-inflammatory and antifibrotic drugs were explained. A paucity of information exists regarding the therapy in small animals with hepatobiliary disease. Extrapolation from human studies provides some information about potential treatment options, but further studies are warranted in this area to elucidate the best management of dogs and cats with liver disease.