Associazione Italiana Veterinari Piccoli Animali
Affiliata WSAVA


Approccio conservativo in corso di patologia dentale in un coniglio
(Oryctolagus cuniculus)

Conservative approach during dental disease in a rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)


Deli G.
DVM, Centro Veterinario Gregorio VII, Rome - Italy 

Lubian E.
DVM, Vigevano - Italy

Raiano V., Greci V.
DVM,PhD, Centro Veterinario Gregorio VII, Rome – Italy 

Mingolla F.
Radiographer, Centro Veterinario Gregorio VII, Rome – Italy 



This case report describes a multi-modal minimal-invasive approach in a 6 year-old female rabbit (Oryctolaguscuniculus) affected by a serious chronic dental disease. The rabbit was first examined for a swelling in the left mandibula, that occurred after a 18 months history of decrease appetite and weight loss. Dental root abscess was diagnosed with concurrent severe alteration of the incisor and molar teeth enamel; the owner declined diagnostic imaging and the abscess was treated just with conservative approach. Concomitant severe enamel teeth alteration, were subsequently treated in a multi-step approach.
Twenty months later, the rabbit was examined for a right mandibular swelling with a dental root abscess. CT scan of the skull highlighted severe bilateral jaw alteration related to chronic abscesses and characterized by bone thinning and remodeling.
Considering the bone changes, the abscess was treated conservatively with full restitutio ad integrum and the full resumption of the masticatory function.
The purpose of this case report is to describe the minimally invasive multimodal approach during chronic oral diseases in really old rabbits and to emphasize the importance of diagnostic imaging in chronic disease of the oral cavity.


Dwarf rabbit, chronic dental disease, weight loss, teeth estraction, CT


Animali esotici