Associazione Italiana Veterinari Piccoli Animali
Affiliata WSAVA


Il monitoraggio in anestesia nelle specie aviari
(parte 2)

Anesthesia monitoring in avian species part II


Ceccherelli R.
DVM, PhD, Direttore Sanitario del CRUMA-Lpu (Centro Recupero Uccelli Marini e Acquatici)-Lipu 

Regoli A.
Student in VM, tesista presso il CRUMA


Birds are commonly being anesthetized with very little morbidity and mortality. These advances are due to the better monitoring techniques. Current monitoring modalities available for use in general veterinary practice provide the practitioner with the ability to assess blood pressure, heart rate and rhythm, temperature, hemoglobin saturation with oxygen, the concentration of carbon dioxide in expired gases, and respiratory rate, and the use of intermittent positive pressure ventilators, has greatly advanced the science of anesthesia in avian species.
Although many of these monitors are designed for use in mammals, their creative and persistent use during avian anesthesia will serve to improve the quality of anesthesia care.
This article provides an overview of all the parameters, and their interpretation, which can be monitored during an anesthesia in avian species.


Avian species, anesthesia, monitoring

