Associazione Italiana Veterinari Piccoli Animali
Affiliata WSAVA


Variazione dei parametri clinici ed ematici in cani sottoposti a trasfusione di sangue intero e concentrato di eritrociti

Clinical and clinicopathologic variables in dogs receiving whole blood (WB) and packed red blood cells (pRBCs) transfusions


Proverbio Daniela, Perego Roberta, Sambugaro Beatrice, Spada Eva
Laboratorio di Medicina Emotrasfusionale Veterinaria (REV), Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria (DiMeVet) – Università degli Studi di Milano, Italia

Viñals Flórez Luis Miguel
Centro de Transfusión Veterinario (CTV), Arturo Soria, 267 - 28033 Madrid, Spagna


The aim of this retrospective study is to evaluate the effect of whole blood (WB) and packed red blood cells (pRBCs) administration on specific blood parameters and to describe changes in clinical signs during transfusion in dogs. Medical records of 19 canine patients receiving WB and pRBCs transfusion were analyzed. Only animals with complete monitoring of clinical signs during transfusion were included in the study The information collected included: signalment, indications for transfusion, volume administered, duration of transfusion, pre- and post-transfusion CBC, vital signs during transfusion (rectal temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, systolic, mean, diastolic blood pressure, attitude, mucous membranes and refill time), transfusion reactions and outcome. Twelve pRBCs transfusions and 7 WB transfusions were administered to dogs. Six transfusion reactions occurred in the dogs. HCT, hemoglobin and RBC increased significantly after WB and pRBCs transfusions but pRBCs was more effective in increasing HTC than WB. Main statistical changes in vital signs concerned: decrease in heart rate (HR) from the beginning until the end of transfusion, increase of pressure and modification of mucous membranes between the beginning and the end of transfusion. No significant differences were reported between the group of dogs that developed transfusion reactions and the group that did not develop. The results of our study show that bot pRBCs and WB are able to increase HCT and RBC and hemoglobin concentration after tranfusion. Heart rate and blood pressure were the parameters that had the greatest changes during transfusion.


Canine blood type, whole blood, packed red cells, blood transfusion, transfusion reaction

