Associazione Italiana Veterinari Piccoli Animali
Affiliata WSAVA


La visita clinica del paziente aviare: tecniche e consigli pratici

The clinical examination of birds: tecniques and practical advices


Chianese B.
DVM, Libero Professionista, Specialista in Malattie Infettive, Profilassi e Polizia Veterinaria, GPCert(ExAP)
Clinica Omniavet, Piazza G. Omiccioli 5, 00125-Roma

Melillo A.
DVM, Libero Professionista, Specialista in Tecnologia e Patologia Aviare, del coniglio e della selvaggina, GPCert(ExAP)
Clinica Omniavet, Piazza G. Omiccioli 5, 00125-Roma


In recent years we are witnessing an exponential increase in avian patients. For this reason, more owners are asking the help of the experienced veterinarian in avian medicine to solve health problems of these particular and colored patients.

This work aims to focus attention on the proper execution of a clinical examination of the birds in order to help the less experienced colleagues in the clinical practice of the species most involved.


avian medicine, clinical evaluation, pet birds


Animali esotici