Associazione Italiana Veterinari Piccoli Animali
Affiliata WSAVA


Valutazione del pappagallo riproduttore
Quando non tralasciare nulla può fare la differenza


Dogliero A.
Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie, Università di Torino, Italia


The main purpose of the avian veterinarian is to better manage all nutritional, clinical and surgical aspects of a parrots breeding collection, improving also the reproductive performances. 

It is necessary for the veterinarian to acquire an appropriate knowledge of the reproductive peculiarities of each of the approximately 350 existing psittacine species, taking into account, beside specific problems, some complicating factors such as captivity stress, inbreeding effects, short reproductive period or poor semen quality. 

Together with the breeder, the avian vet should develop a good flock-management plan, which includes both correct data recording on each bird and a rigorous range of health-control procedures, also aimed at assessing reproductive quality, such as celioscopic evaluaton of the gonads or semen analysis. 

Last, other not negligible factors are the socialization of chicks (either appointed for breeding or to pet market) and a strict respect of biosafety standards, making the modern parrots collection the more closed and specialized possible.


Animali esotici